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The Plan

Ted Lewis – April 21, 2024

Ted Lewis continues our journey through the book of Philippians Chapter 2.

100 Years of God's Faithfulness
The Creation of God
Age Doesn't Matter
Instruments of Praise
The Nature of Our Fight
Psalm 23
Walking by God's Word
Created to Live in Harmony with God
The Best is Yet to Come
The Beast from the Sea
Remembering Who You Are
Responding To The Lord
In The Wilderness
Trying to Block the Truth
A Message for Fathers
Always Be Ready
A Message from India
The Journey of Life
You Are a Priest
Jesus Our King, Redeemer & Older Brother
The God of the Hopless Situation
Learning to Live in Freedom
El que Cree en su Corazon Quien es su Creador
The Transforming Power of the Risen Christ
Seven Words from the Cross
A Fresh Look at Palm Sunday
De Dónde Nace él Amor
Being Mighty in the Lord
Seeking the Lord
War & Peace
Los Ojos de Dios Estan Sobre Ti
When God Says No!
The Chronicler's History
The Master of Break Throughs
El Camino Del Amor
Charge It To My Account
Reminders From 2 Timothy
The Mystery of Godliness
As He Spoke Long Ago...
Life of a Contagious Church
Todo Pertence a Dios
What are You Expecting for Christmas?
Israel's Calendar & the Ministry of Jesus
What the Lord Requires
Jesus: Our Perfect Sacrifice
Stand Firm!
Watch Your Mouth
The Glory and Goodness of God
The Earth is the Lords
Dios Escucha tu Oracion y tu Corazon
A Visit from El Rancho Del Rey
The Blessed Life

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