leadership Team

Dave & Seema Freer

Lead Elder/Pastor

Dave is the blessed husband of Seema, his wife of almost 23 years, and the blessed father of his daughters, Ruthie and Miriam, ages 19 and 16. Dave loves to teach and preach the Word of God and to see people genuinely connect with the Lord through the Scriptures. He received his M.Div. from Westminster Theological Seminary in 1995. He has been in various leadership roles at LWC since 1992. Dave is a big sports fan and a bigger fan of Ohio State. When the weather cooperates, he enjoys going for bike rides or jogging.


Karl & Maria Dreher

Elder/Worship Leader

Karl is a Philly kid who loves the Lord and his family.  He and his wife Maria have been married for 20 years and have three children, Diella (18), Micah (15) and Raine (11).  Together they have enjoyed leading worship and young adult groups for over two decades. Karl & Maria want to empower people of all ages to cultivate extraordinary relationships with God and with others. They desire to see people passionately pursue their God-given destinies to transform the world around them while living in community,  and power because they are loved by God. Karl loves music, movies and sports. (No particular order)

Ted & Karen Lewis


Ted is a lifelong resident of Philly (and the near suburbs).  He is extremely happily married to Karen and has 2 grown children, Ryan and Kirsten (both living in Phila.).  Ted graduated from Messiah College in 1976 with a degree in English.  He is currently employed as a social worker.  He joined Living Word in 1971 (a few months after getting saved) and became an Elder in 1980.  Ted profoundly enjoys God’s creation (especially birds, wildlife, trees, and mountains).  He is not comfortable with contemporary society’s fixation on electronic devices and things that are artificial and synthetic.  He has been saying for years that the thing he loves the most about LWC is the high caliber of people the Lord consistently brings to us to be part of our fellowship.

Dan & Donna Moser



Efrain & Eva Posada



Beth Seguinot

Sunday School Director

Beth is the proud mom of her son Brandon.  Beth loves to go to church, learn new things about the Lord.  She also loves to teach children about Christ’s love through Sunday school.  For 20 years she was an adoptions social worker at Philadelphia’s Department of Human Services and now works in the same department navigating contracts with various adoption agencies.  She loves jogging and watching sports. Especially Philly Sports!

Edith Duling


The Living Word Community | La Comunidad Palabra Viviente

9:00 am Adult Sunday School | 10:30 am Main Service

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